Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My favourite quote and why... #Blogtober14 Day 15

I love quotes. I'm one of those girls that has a board full of quotes on pinterest, not because they all apply to my life or what I may be going through when I pin them, but because I agree with what they say.

I don't really have a definite favourite quote, I love tons of quotes from Grey's Anatomy and Harry Potter, I feel like they really speak to me. For today's prompt I went to my board in search of a good quote that I can relate to today, and here it is!

I couldn't agree more with this quote, sure if I'm not having a good morning I could let it affect my whole day by being in a bad mood, or I could shake it off and keep moving forward. Another quote that comes to mind "Fake it 'til you make it."

What really hits home with me about this quote, is that people are quick to jump to conclusions and over-react to certain situations or happenings, but if they just think things through and think about the bigger picture, they'll quickly see that whatever happened is just a freckle on the face of life's complexion, and the way they react to it will ultimately affect the outcome.

For instance, on our wedding day the venue was being set up and the centre pieces weren't working the way I wanted them to, we had big glass bowls with sea sand and seashells in them and I wanted tealight candles to float on the water in the bowl, but the sea sand wouldn't settle and it looked like an absolute mudbath, so we scrapped the floating candles and used pillar candles instead, no biggie.
Then about an hour later the fairylights blew, I was bummed, I really wanted fairylights, but there was nothing we could do about it, I just said oh well, that sucks, the day isn't about the fairylights anyway.

If I had thrown a hissy fit because things didn't go EXACTLY as I had planned, it would have taken away from all the happiness and good memories we made that day. I don't get why girls turn into bridezilla's and want to make drama over everything, with everyone, seriously, you're going to ruin your special day girls, and you make it unpleasant for everyone else!

When I fetched my dress from my godfather the week before the wedding I was stressing and he sent me home with the best advice for the day "Don't sweat the small stuff". I kept that advice in the back of my mind throughout the week of the wedding and as a result we had the best wedding, drama-free, relaxed and so so special.

Here's a little wedding snap of the beach ceremony for you!

So...What's your favourite quote??


  1. I'm not a huge quotes person, but I agree Grey's and Harry Potter have some of the best ones.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks that!! :D
